A Moment of Sheer Delight

moment of delightYesterday I had a moment of sheer delight that felt like discovering buried treasure.

I had gone to the library to pick up a couple of books I had on hold and, on my way into the building, had stopped to see what books were available for sale on the Friends of the Library carts. A book by a particularly favorite author caught my eye (I had been thinking about one of her books just the other day) and I was happy to see it was only $1 to purchase.

Getting an almost mint-condition, hardback book for so little is enough to make the bibliophile in me feel satisfied for an entire day, but imagine my surprise (and how I felt) to see another book on the cart by the same author…and then another…and another! I couldn’t believe it! It was as if a whole collection of that author’s works had been turned in by someone and I had arrived at just the right moment to scoop them up! And to make the experience even more fun in its serendipitousness (I know…it’s a made-up word, but it fits) I also just happened to have my checkbook with me (not a normal occurrence in this day and age of debit cards) which meant I could get all of the books I wished. No holding back!

I felt like the proverbial “kid in a toy shop.” The more I looked the more favorite books I saw and I just kept pulling them off the carts! Two baskets and twenty-eight books later I was at the librarian’s counter happily writing a check for $28 dollars to the Friends of the Library and enjoying every minute of the experience! (So many exclamation marks, so much fun!)

As I staggered out of the library with the huge box of books in my arms, I felt excited and absolutely delighted that the Universe would orchestrate such a gift for me. And as I think about it now and remember my moment yesterday, my delight turns into a soaring gratitude for this (what some might consider) small thing that was an incredibly fun and wonderful thing for me. Honestly…I think the only way to explain how I felt was that I was delighted to be delighted!

As I look at my new pile of books just waiting to be read, I am reminded of the importance of delight to our mental and emotional well-being. I was also reminded that we don’t have to expect or wait for big moments before we allow ourselves to experience such charming pleasure. More often than not, this feeling of tickled joy—that sparkles in our minds and expands our hearts—occurs when small moments arrive “out of the blue” as happy surprises. Your delights will be different than mine, but when they do happen dare to embrace them. Revel in the experience and then wholeheartedly fling your joyful gratitude back out to the skies. You will love the way you feel.

Wishing you a delighted day,
Beverly Pogue
Clear Path Organizing, LLC
Cell: (253) 414-8894

Beverly Pogue is a professional organizer and homemaker’s coach who works to reduce stress in her clients’ lives. She is available for private tutoring or group instruction on a variety of subjects that have to do with creating better home environments.

Copyright (2013) Beverly Pogue. All rights reserved. clearpathoc@yahoo.com

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About The Homemakers Coach

Beverly Pogue believes that homemaking is a profession just like any other profession. As The Homemaker's Coach™, she provides coaching, classes, and products to help homemakers succeed.

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