Our Real Business is People

“The goal of a leader or a manager is to help the person expand and grow.”
–Mitch Pogue


Homemaking can be a tough job. There’s so much to do each day. There’s laundry and cooking and cleaning and managing the finances. There’s juggling schedules and chauffeuring family members to school or appointments. There’s dealing with messesyou may have never imagined could be made (parents, you know of what I speak) andtrying to make order out of what sometimes seems to be spontaneous chaos.

In amongst all the clutter, mess and piles of laundry, however, is a target toward which we aim, the purpose of which is worthy of our best efforts. The target of homemaking is to create a beneficial physical, social and financial environment in the home and the reason behind our efforts is people. Our people. Our own selves as people, our spouses, our children, our extended family members, our friends. Strangers, perhaps. You never know who will be uplifted, encouraged or nourished by the efforts made in the home.

The bottom line is this: we may deal with stuff but our real business is people. And whether it’s our dealings only with ourselves or with a flock of others, homemakersneed to know how to lead, manage, serve and support people. “The goal of a leader or a manager,” says our next speaker, “is to help the person expand and grow. What I’m going to teach you…works. When you use these principles in order and well, you will get results and achieve more.”

Our next class is for managers-of-people, both inside and outside the home.  It is for all of us who view our jobs as professions and ourselves as professionals. The first of “The 4 Ideals of Human Engagement” is Courtesy & Respect. Come and learn how this Ideal (and all the rest) can help you “create an…environment in which most effective human engagement can occur and bring extraordinary results.”

Upcoming class opportunity: “How to Run Your Home Like a Business: The 4 Ideals of Human Engagement”

Where: Puyallup Activity Center

When: October 15 from 7-8pm

Click here to sign up for this October class

About The Homemakers Coach

Beverly Pogue believes that homemaking is a profession just like any other profession. As The Homemaker's Coach™, she provides coaching, classes, and products to help homemakers succeed.

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