Homemaking Essentials

The Professional’s Attitude

Managing Resources

In the Kitchen
A Better Work Environment
The appearance and condition of our physical environments (at home or on the job) can affect how we think and feel during our workday. Cluttered, chaotic and unappealing surroundings contribute to scattered, negative thoughts. We feel overwhelmed and weary before the day even begins. In contrast, we are enlivened for the day when we can […]
The Two Week – Three Month Pantry
Well, we did it! The Two Week-Three Month Pantry ebook is finally finished and ready for purchase! Click on the link below to discover how this great system—with easy recipes, inventories and shopping lists included–can help busy people or beginning cooks: Do the grocery shopping faster, Gradually build up a reserve supply of real food […]
Home Storage Centers
In your efforts to be more self-reliant and better prepared for some of life’s emergencies, many of you may not be aware of the following resource… The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints operates Home Storage Centers in various locations across the United States and Canada for the purpose of helping “…Church members and […]
Medicinal Soup Recipe
To those of you who attended the recent “Making Homemade Soups & Breads” class, here is the “medicinal” soup I promised to share. According to Consumer Reports, studies have shown that chicken soup actually does help “fight the common cold.” This is done primarily by reducing the following symptoms: “Inhaling the warm steam of […]
Homemade Granola
HOMEMADE GRANOLA Plow through your favorite bulk-food section to find the following ingredients…and have fun gradually adapting the ingredients and proportions to suit your own taste. Ingredients: 6 cups old-fashioned, rolled oats (not quick oats) 1 cups raw, shelled, sunflower seeds 1 cup flaked coconut 1 cup sliced almonds ½ cup wheat germ or wheat […]
Practical Skills Matter
When teaching your children (or deciding what you could spend your time learning), you may wish to consider the following words of wisdom: “Do not immerse yourself so much in the technical [i.e. academic education] that you fail to learn things that are practical. Everything you can learn that is practical—in the house, in the […]
Three Steps for a Productive Day
Most days I do fairly well at being productive. I mean, I make the lists like most of you do, right? And I cross things off as I go along as a way of measuring if I’m making progress or not. I even write down tasks I’ve accomplished that weren’t on the list and then […]
How Can Slow Take Me Fast and Far?
When creating/organizing anything–a space, a room, your life–It’s a mistake to leap to action too soon. More time should be spent identifying the real desire. Be calm. Be still and then ask yourself: “Why even begin this endeavor in the first place? What is my primary motivation?” When you say: “I want to do this […]
White (or Not-So-White) Washcloths and Bleach
“Alright, Ms Susie Homemaker,” my mother announced near the end of our latest phone conversation, “I have a question about cleaning white washcloths. It seems no matter what I do, mine always look like I just mopped the floor with them. They never get white.” She’d even tried one of the well-known powder oxygen bleaches […]
Energy Tip #2: Schedules & Rapid Routines
To save time and energy, think plan…think schedule…think routine. Thinking takes time. Deciding takes time. When you make the decisions necessary to produce a schedule, you plan once and then never have to decide again. Why keep reinventing the wheel? Once you establish a routine, don’t think—just do. Your schedule (your pre-planned list of what […]