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Children’s Chores and “Adulting”: Why Chores Matter (Part 2)–Tips and Reminders

Learning how to do basic chores and other life skills at a young age matters.  Here are some things you can do… Adulting (v): The ability to behave in an adult manner and fulfill such grown-up responsibilities as: hold a 9-5 job, make monthly mortgage/rent, or car payments, or accomplish anything else in such a way […]

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Children’s Chores and “Adulting” : Why Chores Matter (Part 1)

Learning how to do basic chores and other life skills at a young age matters.  Here are two examples why… Adulting (v): The ability to behave in an adult manner and fulfill such grown-up responsibilities as: hold a 9-5 job, make monthly mortgage/rent, or car payments, or accomplish anything else in such a way as […]

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Three Rules for “Rebalancing” After Having a Baby

Question: “Any thoughts on rebalancing with a newborn?” Answer: “After having four children, yes.  Consider the following three ‘rules’…” The First “rule” to give yourself so you can find your “balance” again is to not panic or fuss about the housekeeping for the first three months after having a baby.  Go slow.   Recover.  You’ll be […]

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Raising Someone Else’s Spouse

One day, toward the beginning of my career as a mother and full-time home maker, I suddenly realized that I wasn’t just raising my own children, but I was also raising someone else’s future spouse (and someone else’s future parent) and that I had the responsibility to pass on the best “product” possible. This awareness […]

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