Homemaking Essentials

The Professional’s Attitude

Managing Resources

In the Kitchen
Energy Tip #1: Get Rid of Those “J.D.I.s”
If unfinished business is an energy leak, what’s finished business? The other day my husband and I were discussing the difference between “operations” (ordinary, repetitive work that is part of your daily routine) and “projects” (work that is unique, not part of your normal day and that only lasts for a short time). He began […]
Did You Know?…$$$
Did you know that there is a lot of fantastic information and education on managing a home located here and there on various government websites? One such site is SmartAboutMoney.org. Described as “Nonprofit, noncommercial and unbiased,” Smart About Money (or “SAM”) has all kinds of “practical articles, worksheets, tips and valuable resources [such as calculators, […]
“Don’t Get Organized” or “Why does Beauty Matter?”
A Lovely Little Painting Not too long ago, my husband gave me a lovely little plaque created by artist Kelly Rae Roberts. It’s something I can put on my dresser and look at every day and even though the style or colors aren’t my normal “thing,” the words are and Mitch knew it, which is exactly why the […]
How to “Break or Make” Your Family
To “break or make” –To make of something a failure or a success Your ability to manage your resources (financial, physical, or otherwise) can “break or make” your family. You can live unconsciously or impulsively and waste time, talents, energy, and money or you can see the opportunity to make a difference and learn to […]
Three Rules for “Rebalancing” After Having a Baby
Question: “Any thoughts on rebalancing with a newborn?” Answer: “After having four children, yes. Consider the following three ‘rules’…” The First “rule” to give yourself so you can find your “balance” again is to not panic or fuss about the housekeeping for the first three months after having a baby. Go slow. Recover. You’ll be […]
Our Real Business is People
“The goal of a leader or a manager is to help the person expand and grow.” –Mitch Pogue Homemaking can be a tough job. There’s so much to do each day. There’s laundry and cooking and cleaning and managing the finances. There’s juggling schedules and chauffeuring family members to school or appointments. There’s dealing with messesyou may have […]
In the Kitchen: Substitutions for Wine or Liquor in Cooking
One of the nifty tools that clever homemakers acquire over the years is a collection of substitutions for ingredients to use when preparing meals. Whether you lack a part of a recipe by chance (because you forgot to purchase the needed ingredient) or by choice (because you don’t use or can’t afford the called-for item), it’s […]
C.A.Y.GO: The Best Homemaking Habit EVER
One of the best cleaning practices my homemaking mentors ever taught me was to “C.A.Y.GO.” Are you preparing a meal in the kitchen? Then “C.A.Y.GO.” Are you shaving or doing your makeup in the bathroom Then “C.A.Y.GO.” Do you want to keep your home decently clean and tidy for most of the day? Then “C.A.Y.GO.” […]
A Way to Work Smart
“…I’m beat! This is hard work.” “…why don’t you take a break…and sharpen that saw?…it would go a lot faster.” “I don’t have time to sharpen the saw…I’m too busy sawing!” -Stephen Covey, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” One of the most vital […]
Safety in the Kitchen (Part 2) –“4 Simple Steps” to Know
As noted previously, keeping our people safe from food poisoning is one of the most important responsibilities we have as homemakers. To help you accomplish that objective, the federal government has condensed the current best-practices of food safety into Four Simple Steps: Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill. Here are a few brief samples of what […]